3/7/25 - Firelands Electric Cooperative awards $10,750 in scholarships
2/10/25 - Firelands Electric's Robert Shepherd participates in humanitarian effort
1/31/25 - Firelands Electric Co-op’s Melissa Wilson Completes Local Leadership Program
1/27/25 - Firelands Electric Co-op’s Shelley Magyar Graduates from Leadership Program
1/20/25 - Help conserve energy during extreme weather
10/29/24 - State legislators address electric cooperative members during event sponsored by Firelands Electric
8/2/24 - Cooperative selects Rick Bowers as new Director of Operations
8/1/24 - Students win behind-the-scenes look at linework
6/17/24 - Firelands Names Next General Manager
6/1/24 - Standing Up for Reliable, Affordable Energy
4/30/24 - New EPA Rules Threaten Reliability and Affordability of Electricity for Ohio
4/26/24 - Firelands Electric Cooperative’s Trustee Obtains National Recognition Certificate
4/16/24 - Over 400 attend Firelands' Annual Meeting
3/12/24 - 2023 Line Rebuild Project Update
3/11/24 - Cooperative awards $10,500 in scholarships
1/15/24 - Cooperative program plays role in New London EV charger installation
1/3/24 - Rate Adjustment to Take Effect Jan. 23
12/20/23 - Community steps up for co-op’s annual USO drive
11/16/23 - Firelands Electric Co-op announces winners of Biggest Fan Contest
11/3/23 - Electric cooperatives partner to host Cooperative Youth Day at the Ohio Statehouse
9/15/23 - Co-op Members and state Legislators Tour Cardinal Power Plant
7/10/23 - General Manager's Report: Electric Reliability Threatened by Current U.S. Energy Policy
6/28/23 - Firelands Electric Cooperative's 85th Annual Meeting held on June 24
5/31/23 - NERC Summer Reliability Assessment - Two-Thirds of Nation At Risk
5/24/23 - NERC: Ohio at LOW RISK of Forced Power Outages This Summer
5/18/23 - USDA Giving Power Generation, Transmission Co-ops Billions for Energy Innovation
5/13/23 - New EPA Rules All But Ban Fossil Fuels to Produce Electricity
4/5/23 - Firelands Electric announces winners of Terrific Teachers Contest
4/5/23 - Lamoreaux and Lucha earn Credentialed Cooperative Director designation
3/6/23 - Firelands Electric Cooperative Awards $10,500 in Scholarships
1/25/23 - Pat O'Loughlin Speaking in D.C.
12/30/22 - Firelands Announces Christmas Lighting Contest Winners
12/21/22 - Firelands Announces Winners in December Drawing of The A Team
12/20/22 - Firelands Electric Co-op’s Rick Bowers Graduates from Leadership Program
12/19/22 - USO Step Up for Soldiers Drive a Huge Success
12/7/22 - Applications for Firelands Electric's Scholarships and Youth Tour Program Now Open
9/23/22 - AEP Transmission Project to Benefit Firelands Members
9/14/22 - State Legislators Address Co-op Members During Event Sponsored by Firelands Electric
9/2/22 - Firelands Electric Announces Virtual Jr. Fair Results
8/29/22 - Firelands Hosts 2022 ACRE Member Recognition Event
8/22/22 - Lighting Causes Power Outage
8/5/22 - Firelands Electric Youth Tour Delegate Visits Washington, D.C.
7/25/22 - Firelands Electric Sponsors Virtual Junior Fair
7/22/22 - Co-op Announces The A Team Winners for July
7/19/22 - Extreme Heat Causes Peak Electricity Demand
6/23/22 - Firelands Holds Member Appreciation Day and Annual Meeting of Members
6/14/22 - Strong Storms Cause Power Outages
2/18/22 - Ice and Snow Result in Power Outages Affecting Southern Huron County
2/1/22 - Firelands Electric Co-op Prepares for Approaching Severe Weather
6/25/21 - Firelands Electric Cooperative holds virtual annual meeting of members